—- A —-
A Roving
All for me grog
A la Rochelle est arrivé
—- B —-
Bell bottom trousers
Blow the man down
Bolle Dries
Bye bye my rosianna
—- C —-
Can’t ye dance the polka
Cape cod girls
Chicken on the raft
Clear the track
—- D —-
De bittere nacht
De duivel en de Zuiderzee
De ijzeren man
De vrolijke bootsgezel
De zeven zeeën
De zoute zee
Donkey riding
Down Trinidad
Drowned horses of Ameland
—- E —-
En in Amsterdam
En sjöman
Essequibo river
—- F —-
Fire down below
—- G —-
General Taylor
Greenland whale fisheries
—- H —-
Haal ‘m op nou
Haul away for Rosie
Haul boys haul
Haul on the Bowline
Hé kapitein
Hei courage viva
Hills of isle au Haut
Home boys home
—- I —-
—- J —-
Jan Cupido
Jan Riebeeck
John Kanaka
Jolly roving tar
—- K —-
Keep hauling
—- L —-
Last shanty
Le capitaine de Saint-Malo
Le pont de Morlaix
Leave her Johnny leave her
Leaving of Liverpool
Load ‘m and stack ‘m
Low bridge (the canal)
Lowlands low
Luid de bel
—- M —-
Maggie May
Mein vader vos ein Dutchman
Mingulay Boatsong
—- N —-
—- O —-
Old Moke
Op het hobbelend Pekelveld
—- P —-
Paddy Doyle’s boots
Pigue la baleine
Poor old man
Pull down below
—- Q —-
Quinze marins
—- R —
Randy dandy O!
Rattle them winches
Roll Allabama
Rolling down to 0ld Maui
Rolling home
Roll the old chariot
Round the corner, Sally
Row on
—- S —-
Sailor’s farewell hymn
Sammy’s gone a sailing
Sloop John B
Soon may the Wellerman come
South Australia
Stormy weather boys
Sugar in the hold
—- T —-
Talcahuano girls
The Arabella
The bonny ship “The Diamond”
The Capstan bar
The Grimsby lads
The Ebenezer
Three score and ten
Trawling trade
—- U —-
Up she goes
—- V —-
—- W —-
Whiskey Johnny
Wie rijk wil worden
Wrap me up in my tarpaulin jacket
—- X —-
—- Y —-
—- Z —-